Monday, February 23, 2009

73-year-old Ken Mink is just another apathetic college athlete

Ken Mink's is by now a familiar tale. The Roane State College walk-on who was according to his account falsely accused of delinquency as a college hoopster in 1956, revived his career this year at the ripe age of 73. It's a goofy little feel-good story about a man fighting back against the march of time. Or something. It's really just an old dude that gets to sit on a basketball bench for a season, but it's fun, so I blog about it.

Anyway, there's some slightly shocking news regarding Mink, news that you might want to be sitting down for. (Are you sitting? Of course you are. You're at a computer.) It seems Mink has lost his eligibility after failing a Spanish class, and his team is being asked to forfeit a game. College kids these days. Does the "student" in "student-athlete" mean nothing to them?

Click here to read more.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time To Get On The Soap Box

Do you want to tell everyone what you think of the MSHSL Transfer Policy? Or the run time rule? How about your thoughts about AAU/Spring - Summer Programs? Do you just want everyone to know about your team/program?

Well personally I know there are a lot of folks out there that have something to say on at least one of these ideas if not others as well. I know this because everyday when I walk into a gym there will be at least 2 parents, players, coaches, or referee's offer up a thought or two.

Well now is your chance to ask the questions, share your ideas, or just offer your take on things. You never know who is going to be there and give you an answer, or has the same thoughts you do. will host an open forum for everyone on Saturday Feb. 14th from 10:30am until no later then 4:30pm. at the Southdale Library (7001 york ave south in edina)

Here is the chance for fans, parents, players, coaches, and administrators to come and talk about anything related to women's basketball. All comments, provided they are clean and do not "unnecessarily" attack someone, will be posted as part of the podcast for this event., If more show up then the room will hold there will be time taken to rotate everyone in and out of the room so all that came to take part can. No admission fee - and no snacks will be served. If you wish to reserve some open mic time before Saturday, e-mail Tony at