Monday, February 23, 2009

73-year-old Ken Mink is just another apathetic college athlete

Ken Mink's is by now a familiar tale. The Roane State College walk-on who was according to his account falsely accused of delinquency as a college hoopster in 1956, revived his career this year at the ripe age of 73. It's a goofy little feel-good story about a man fighting back against the march of time. Or something. It's really just an old dude that gets to sit on a basketball bench for a season, but it's fun, so I blog about it.

Anyway, there's some slightly shocking news regarding Mink, news that you might want to be sitting down for. (Are you sitting? Of course you are. You're at a computer.) It seems Mink has lost his eligibility after failing a Spanish class, and his team is being asked to forfeit a game. College kids these days. Does the "student" in "student-athlete" mean nothing to them?

Click here to read more.

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